Content Creation
What started as filming herself in her bedroom in 2020 has grown to Natalie being featured in commercials, television shows, and more. Natalie diversified her content across multiple social media platforms, including thought leadership on LinkedIn and short-form videos on TikTok and Instagram.
1.1 M
4,084,876 avg. plays per reel
42.4 M accounts reached (last 30 days)
1,626 avg. link clicks per story
93,783 avg. interactions per reel
2.3M avg. plays per Tiktok
72 M video views (last 28 days)
55,200 avg. engagements per video
44.7 M total Tiktok likes
928,692 post impressions (past 7 days)
98,509 post engagements (past 90 days)
Audience Breakdown
Sponsored Posts
Natalie has mastered a uniquely organic ad style, infusing humor and relatability into each sponsored post to connect with her audience on a personal level. Check out these examples of just a few of her viral, engaging promotions:
Video Views: 114,406,930+
Likes: 507,000+
Shares: 27,000+
Comments: 1,856+
Reach: 13,643,998
Likes: 609,600
Comments: 4,298+
Shares: 349,082+
Saves: 27,493+
Natalie On
The Big Screen
From national commercials to television shows, Natalie brings her improv skills and comedic talent to life on the big screen, extending her charisma beyond her popular social videos.